
What we practice

Better together: Social practices to co-create social products

Relational uses an evolving set of social practices to embrace the spirit of group play and to focus our collective energy. Emerged and honed through years of experimental projects, these communal practices hold space for our builders to explore, create, and ship.

This “social-first” approach allows a diversity of builders to get on the same page so we cover more ground, more quickly. From this shared understanding, our resultant products are grounded in the spirit of connectivity.

Our Practices

Play it forward: The Relational Social Protocol

Relational is continuously fine-tuning our group-build practices, not only for our internal use but for the broader public as well. We are working towards packaging these social rituals into an open-source library. It is our intention that social builders from all corners of the digital world can apply our practices to craft their own communal goods and services.